Aocai annual information


Posted by: 2024-09-20 01:49:56

Phase 001: This period of rabbit lost.平生志气与天高.牛郎织女配和谐.独守空房三年久.
No. 002: All cattle sold this time.Snakes, mice, sheep and chickens are the best.You get what you pay for.Look at the decimals and buy mice.
No. 003: This time to buy rabbit lost.做亏事心夜怕鬼.Six in life one in five.人贵有自知之明.
Issue 004: I lost all my chickens this time.买虎买鸡不理想.Keep the special number secret.十指连心转四绿.
No. 005: I lost all my chickens this time.未曾得向行人道.特码中间示红蓝.叛国投敌祸社程.
第006期: 今期买猴输尽光.Only 28 Ming Ming fixed.猪头猴尾不要买.Under one man, over ten thousand men.
第007期: 今期买蛇输尽光.好事成双也是五.Miss Donggong picks lotus flowers.羌笛秋聲濕塞煙.
Issue 008: All the money is lost.是在早晚一二天.特码出在鸡鼠身.走到前头无回路.
Issue 009: All the tiger bought this time.一阵风月三八秋.十二生肖它 一.钻角小专打二数.
No. 010: We lost all our pigs this time.Eat grass instead of grain.Six and six yards, special prize.Jiao chicken sea 42.
第011期: 今期买猪输尽光.The world is easy without worry.Look it up yourself.The world knows best.
Issue 012: Lost all the monkeys bought this issue.如意吉祥庆丰年.特码出在尾绿肖.加快四快点恢复.
Issue 013: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.黄云萧条白曰暗.特码就在中间开.十八罗汉镇邪魔.
Issue 014: Lost all the sheep bought this issue.树上猴群风骚动.鸡虎相争鸡猪亡.头顶蓝天脚踏地.
第015期: 今期买鸡输尽光.一精三通能发达.Fat cows and strong sheep eat green grass.天下无不散筵席.
Issue 016: All bets are off.不见老猪三五个.虎落无势是穷期.太平盛世猪鸡欢.
Issue 017: We lost all our sheep this season.匿玉玺孫堅背約.鸡前鸡后饶三圈.请彩民放心下注.
第018期: 今期买马输尽光.不闻不现是猴鸡.牛鸡兔虎最理想.今期兔羊必出特.
第019期: 今期买鸡输尽光.The secret skill was beaten.六畜生肖发大家.Nineteen is never a good jackpot.
Issue 020: Lost all the monkeys bought this issue.解铃还需系铃人.蛇猪一窝定发家.一一初醒十未醒.
No. 021: I lost all my pigs this time.先锋保国卫家园.蛇猪狂午升平岁.只是要你以身許.
Issue 022: We lost all our snakes this time.旭日照山亦照水.鸡鸡虎中猜特码.喜登九天七夕会.
Issue 023: I lost all my chickens this time.Bite chicken sea four one sighting.Chickens come in the wind and rain from the west.A good mouse never turns back.
Issue 024: All the tiger bought this time.必有三六从中走.猪应天机上下开.将军威权千里雄.
第025期: 今期买蛇输尽光.For money see the sand endless.Ox, pig, tiger, chicken and Shaw won.I like to see apricot flowers before the tree.
Issue 026: We lost all our pigs this time.八面仙歌心情悦.特攻细数发彩民.斗转星移几春秋.
Issue 027: All the tiger bought this time.步步高升是鼠儿.兔虎猴猪鸡上天.羊丑今期有玄机.
第028期: 今期买虎输尽光.For money see the sand endless.The zodiac shows the shadow of the pig.I like to see apricot flowers before the tree.
Issue 029: This issue of rabbit lost.双拳终难敌四手.藏鸡卧虎显神威.杀鸡敬猴无成意.
第030期: 今期买羊输尽光.寒林空见日斜时.Pigs, cows, pigs, tigers, chickens.斜月三更门关开.
Issue 031: All the mice bought in this issue are lost.The sun rises high and the moon dims.虎在一旁无人理.A line of picturesque distant Jin.
Issue 032: We lost all our snakes this time.良工不示人以朴.Pig pig rat tiger zodiac.卖艺之人去投宿.
第033期: 今期买猪输尽光.Captain Quinceau, Tim Ray.The spirit of the chicken and the mouse.One to two odd numbers.
第034期: 今期买鸡输尽光.送走猴年到鸡年.Six animals guess the true son of heaven.号双波爲红与绿.
No. 035: I lost all my pigs this time.良工不示人以朴.六畜中特应不难.卖艺之人去投宿.
Issue 036: I lost all my sheep in this issue.一言必中在掌中.牛蛇羊猪中生肖.力大似牛二当三.
Issue 037: All rabbits are lost in this issue.相逢鼠上纷桃雨.特码定双出本期.乌云敞开见太阳.
Issue 038: I lost all my pigs this time.快接二是到速度.Special look at the number of 0, 3, 4.东海对面是西海.
Issue 039: All cattle are lost in this issue.织女在等阿牛哥.鸡蛇相会在今期.前仆后继三七吹.
Issue 040: I lost all my chickens this time.不见老猪三五个.虎在一旁无人理.太平盛世猪鸡欢.
Issue 041: I lost all my pigs this time.Evil is like angry waves.鸡鼠猪猴应爲杀.Cowardice and greed return.
Issue 042: I lost all my rabbits this time.长蛇阵内列将台.猪八戒无理取闹.生鸡活虎今期现.
Issue 043: I lost all my chickens this time.道人指肖是牛鸡.鼠前兔后送鸡来.亡羊补牢金水木.
Issue 044: I lost all my horses this time.万里春归山水欢.虎头蛇尾难成事.花果山群妖聚義.
Issue 045: I lost all my sheep this time.有去無來不成理.财神送来四五六.两岸青山猴子多.
Issue 046: This issue of rabbit lost.戰長江孫氏報仇.鸡鼠猪猴应为杀.中门搅得姐妹双.
第047期: 今期买鸡输尽光.The world is easy without worry.鸡前鸡后饶三圈.The world knows best.
Issue 048: I lost all my chickens this time.The eye never forgets the mind.Special code this issue set 27.One's mouth is sharp and one's teeth are sharp.
Issue 049: We lost all our snakes this time.朝王玉兔音边过.猪后灵牛头发角.道人送码三六五.
Issue 050: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.朝三暮四梦难圆.行侠仗义足英雄.英雄难过美人关.
Issue 051: I lost all my pigs this time.豆蔻梢头二月初.生肖今期旺金木.白姐透特都不要.
Issue 052: I lost all my pigs this time.日和风利大地春.Pig in front of rabbit one yard behind.嫦娥月宫思情郎.
053: This period of zodiac set cattle and sheep, Wusong tiger world spread, storm pavilion full Jianghong, 25 plus 17 open,
Issue 054: I lost all my chickens this time.春雨绵绵润万物.看准小号全下注.卷上珠帘总不如.
Issue 055: We lost all our pigs this time.执迷不悟看六合.看好特码你有缘.春花秋月何时了.
Issue 056: I lost all my sheep this time.精打细算是牛鼠.十二生肖本领强.皆是英雄血染成.
Issue 057: I lost all my pigs this time.丰衣足食是鸡虎.万无一失是牛羊.有头是道鸡猪中.
Issue 058: All the tiger bought this time.The mind of the mouse and the mind of the ape.鸡急跳墙稳观特.Royal children are precious.
Issue 059: I lost all my chickens this time.西天路上寻特肖.特有新改注意柒.琐窗风雨三二情.
Issue 060: This time to buy rabbit lost.欢天喜地红红火.十二生肖找老大.树倒孙散难相聚.
Issue 061: All bets are off.树下静坐观四方.牛鬼蛇神四方躲.元宵十五好佳节.
Issue 062: We lost all our pigs this time.Scolding a monk is bald.Count three in the zodiac.Gold, silver and treasure at hand.
Issue 063: This issue of rabbit lost.却有天间两阴会.特码红波双数来.春天里头开红花.
Issue 064: We lost all our sheep this time.风云鸡虎三门开.蛇行鸡走无定处.合双本期是放心.
Issue 065: All rabbits are lost this time.一命惨死鬼易见.特码红波双数来.桂花飘香太监家.
第066期: 今期买猪输尽光.挟天子而令诸侯.特码圆梦一七齐.东方取肖辰寅卯.
Issue 067: This issue of rabbit lost.The chickens won't win this time.Now gas win money on both sides.Lottery players read three sentences to think.
Issue 068: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.体态丰满脑袋空.看好合数一三八.景陽台下绾青絲.
Issue 069: I lost all my rabbits this time.Snake Chicken won't win this time.Only the tiger chicken rises to the sky.Focus on buying triple six.
Issue 070: I lost all my pigs this time.步步高升是鼠儿.兔虎猴猪鸡上天.羊丑今期有玄机.
Issue 071: All the mice sold this time.日和风利大地春.鸡鼠猪猴应爲杀.嫦娥月宫思情郎.
Issue 072: I lost all my chickens this time.和尚何事出真言.羊角对牛山有虎.雪高三尺云上天.
No. 073: We lost all our pigs this time.事到万难须放胆.兔子飞奔报喜来.聰明才智我之上.
Issue 074: I lost all my chickens this time.放之四海而皆准.六合來到人心喜.世事磋跎戚自首.
Issue 075: We lost all our snakes this time.風雨同舟見三六.十二生肖正正中.万里碧空朵朵云.
Issue 076: I lost all my chickens this time.一夜醒来成富翁.牛郎织女配和谐.玉手和煙弄一枝.
Issue 077: I lost all my chickens this time.One avenue takes forty-nine.牛羊鸡鸡参特码.Scholar marshal looking for apricot flowers.
第078期: 今期买鼠输尽光.The sun rises high and the moon dims.蛇鸡鸡猪找特码.A line of picturesque distant Jin.
Issue 079: I lost all my chickens this time.石歪树弯九三形.特码圆梦一七齐.云长送嫂是君子.
Issue 080: I lost all my chickens this time.瑞鹿送宝喜洋洋.猪蛇对冲出特码.一杆细看十有九.
Issue 081: I lost all my pigs this time.机遇一来是四五.蛇鼠鸡鸡看看好.万里云空鸡飞翔.
Issue 082: I lost all my chickens this time.上期大奖见大码.本期极小极大看.生肖有虎才看鸡.
Issue 083: All the tiger bought this time.树下静坐观四方.蛇猪牛肖看到准.元宵十五好佳节.
Issue 084: All the mice bought this issue are lost.Cut CAI Yang brothers to dispel doubts.Liuhe current spirit code.It makes the most sense to wait.
No. 085: I lost all my pigs this time.一一相见旧码现.牛羊鸡鸡参特码.见四吼四波旺蓝.
Issue 086: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.Dream around Yunshan twelve stories.Snakes hibernate and chickens fly.Good people get what they want.
第087期: 今期买兔输尽光.Sex stubborn greedy play hair monkey.Six in the treasure one four smell.Starting from scratch.
No. 088: I lost all my pigs this time.有钱无米能过冬.鸡前蛇后二中特.十谒朱门九不开.
Issue 089: I lost all my chickens this time.一左一右数相反.羊蛇今期来争特.买蓝买绿自己查.
Issue 090: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.一点儿用处没有.Special code staging does not change.吉日升腾果遂期.
第091期: 今期买鸡输尽光.豆蔻梢头二月初.The Chinese zodiac is the sixth brother.白姐透特都不要.
Issue 092: All cattle are lost in this issue.老大老二定在家.鸡飞鸡跳猛虎来.飛禽走獸虎傷人.
第093期: 今期买猪输尽光.Six relatives don't think they are sheep and pigs.There is hope for lottery players to buy chicken.Bull snake tiger chicken don't go out.
Issue 094: All cattle are lost in this period.合数买单买蓝波.鸡走前后牛跟来.粒粒蓝珠三门开.
Issue 095: I lost all my sheep in this issue.虽然很四人话题.蛇归田里各东西.宝鼠一匹值千金.
Issue 096: I lost all my chickens this time.鸡别鸡逢泪汪汪.鸡争虎斗天天泣.结果特肖在鸡鼠.
Issue 097: Luck is very important, white sister Thoth do not want to talk, not clear, fighting to win,
Issue 098: Where to buy this issue lost.八上四下开一码.六部玄机码中码.西在路上你我他.
Issue 099: Lost all the monkeys bought this issue.有去無來不成理.六畜鼠鸡有希望.两岸青山猴子多.
Issue 100: I lost all my chickens this time.It's gonna be so hot.The Chinese zodiac is placed in front.The nobleman pointed the pen and opened the face.
Issue 101: I lost all my chickens this time.扬威抖擞千山动.特有新改注意柒.前后都有它的影.
Issue 102: I lost all my pigs this time.叫声大圣不用恼.猪头蛇尾不足道.可为彩君发又发.
Issue 103: I lost all my chickens this time.归根到底终须离.五鼠分尸真惨忍.红蓝绿尽得一码.
Issue 104: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.一阵风月三八秋.鼠猪羊鸡出其中.钻角小专打二数.
No. 105: I lost all my pigs this time.众望所归出一四.The six will become the three.黄金不计皆消费.
Issue 106: All bets are off this time.山盟海誓不变心.六畜特码四条腿.卡死二姐 好位.
No. 107: I lost all my pigs this time.只是紅顔多命苦.特码出此不为奇.肥水不落外人田.
Issue 108: This time to buy rabbit lost.合双本期开特码.鸡飞鸡跳猛虎来.好人贼索反开怀.
第109期: 今期买鼠输尽光.Eat grass instead of grain.鼠上坐着食蛇客.Jiao chicken sea 42.
Issue 110: We lost all our money this time.铁扇公主找魔王.The total number of special codes must be single.指东指南来开码.
Issue 111: I lost all my rabbits this time.一头特码零头取.Chicken does not serve at a feast.人欢聚散一杯酒.
Issue 112: I lost all my pigs this time.Inside and outside, the special hidden.蛇归田里各东西.The big one knows the little one.
Issue 113: I lost all my chickens this time.一头特码零头取.牛郎织女有玄机.人欢聚散一杯酒.
Issue 114: I lost all my rabbits this time.Ghosts and gods are everywhere.Monkey sheep pig chicken will win.Chicken and phoenix auspicious people think.
Issue 115: I lost all my chickens this time.时来运转必中金.特码就是兔四八.情人眼里出西施.
Issue 116: I lost all my rabbits this time.一个特码三出勤.鸡门三五有几高.合单定能中大奖.
第117期: 今期买猪输尽光.不打自招现好码.背井离乡不敢问.四七得五有玄机.
Issue 118: I lost all my pigs this time.君子之交淡如水.特码开了开小码.不知所云是何数.
Issue 119: I lost all my sheep this time.彩民上期辛中彩.今期生肖猴鸡来.认真再三才下注.
第120期: 今期买羊输尽光.Buying eight is sure to make a fortune.财神本期关二六.There's a prize for a yard roar.
Issue 121: I lost all my chickens this time.东风西北四处平.特码今期看细数.移花入戶笑床空.
Issue 122: I lost all my chickens this time.快接二是到速度.兔来本期看四九.东海对面是西海.
No. 123: This period of zodiac set dragon sheep, the meridian phase of the three together, the special code guess is the beauty, blue and red open born Xiao Dong,
第124期: 今期买鼠输尽光.A powerful official has a big belly.The hooves of mice leaped about.Not the chicken, not the pig.
第125期: 今期买鸡输尽光.风吹草动见牛羊.Cattle and sheep hedge in particular.成雙成對是好碼.
Issue 126: I lost all my chickens this time.一生寒霜苦命人.特码红绿首选红.十六最绿势必赢.
Issue 127: I lost all my chickens this time.Make a lot of money.鸡鼠猪猴应为杀.King of Kings in the woods.
第128期: 今期买猪输尽光.一命惨死鬼易见.鸡兔本期也不输.桂花飘香太监家.
Issue 129: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.非好汉唔敢过领.牛羊成群出三二.反即杀头神鬼骂.
Issue 130: All the cattle in this issue are lost.山崩地裂出圣人.看中特码落大注.雙山嶺伯欽留僧.
Issue 131: I lost all my chickens this time.搅海翻江小七煎.六月飞霜纷纷下.可是四期开出特.
Issue 132: I lost all my chickens this time.河南河北一条河.特尾定在四字来.上期平码有玄机.
第133期: 今期买虎输尽光.Treacherous ministers offer advice to kill loyal and good.Special and flat code one by one.Golden branches and jade leaves are the most delicate.
Issue 134: All the cattle in this period are lost.劉玄德三顧草廬.生肖本命带绿花.春风十里扬州路.
Issue 135: I lost all my chickens this time.八面仙歌心情悦.鼠中赤兔人最爱.斗转星移几春秋.
Issue 136: Lost the monkey this time.合数买单买蓝波.Chicken does not serve at a feast.粒粒蓝珠三门开.
第137期: 今期买蛇输尽光.曹公煮酒论英雄.六合來到人心喜.有加无减数八卦.
Issue 138: All the money is lost.Pig chicken pig rabbit big fool also.One yard is nine.Bought the zodiac see twenty-nine.
第139期: 今期买鼠输尽光.An evil man has no power.The front of the tiger and the rear of the chicken buy seven.Get the reservoir and get paid.
Issue 140: I lost all my sheep this time.兄弟將歸母心急.兔鸡猴蛇猜中间.悟空更有七二变.
Issue 141: I lost all my rabbits this time.水满金山钱满仓.虎威千里镇八方.合十定有好运攀.
Issue 142: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.买个大码一生好.鼠上三下中间二.梁山好汉是英雄.
Issue 143: All bets are off this time.桃园结义三兄弟.猪头猪脑最好命.耕田种地无财发.
第144期: 今期买鸡输尽光.Talk nonsense here and there.The special code is a mystery.The six animals in the family are very good.
Issue 145: I lost all my sheep this time.长蛇阵内列将台.十二生肖正正中.生鸡活虎今期现.
Issue 146: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.一精三通能发达.猴头虎尾其中取.天下无不散筵席.
Issue 147: This time to buy rabbit lost.彩民转运好八字.牛头鼠面双双合.岁月如梭匆匆去.
Issue 148: All the mice bought this issue are lost.Inside and outside, the special hidden.蛇归田里各东西.The big one knows the little one.
Issue 149: I lost all my chickens this time.子午瑶草绿未衰.特定红绿满园春.今年生肖重肖多.
Issue 150: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.不闻不现是猴鸡.牛鸡兔虎最理想.今期兔羊必出特.
No. 151: I lost all my pigs this time.两绿生肖今期查.蛇猪狂午升平岁.摘尽枇杷一树金.
第152期: 今期买虎输尽光.桃园结义三兄弟.猪头猪脑最好命.耕田种地无财发.
第153期: 今期买兔输尽光.Cold code one two opens this season.Cowherd and weaver knot husband and wife.Life mistake I also wise.
No. 154: I lost all my pigs this time.有钱无米能过冬.财神送来四五六.十谒朱门九不开.
Issue 155: I lost all my chickens this time.A powerful official has a big belly.Zodiac head and tail out of the real code.Not the chicken, not the pig.
No. 156: All the cattle in this period are lost.买个大码一生好.鸡鸡虎中猜特码.梁山好汉是英雄.
Issue 157: I lost all my chickens this time.Serve the Lord faithfully all your life.Zodiac signs together.The general's wife is thirty-eight.
No. 158: I lost all my pigs this time.Make a name for yourself across the ocean.Take a look and see.You know all about it.
Issue 159: I lost all my sheep this time.一母同生是兄弟.特尾定在四字来.随一连二赢三番.
第160期: 今期买马输尽光.Eating grass is a sheep rabbit.You can't go wrong with a chicken-proof tiger.Buy this shaw will win the prize.
Issue 161: All the mice bought this issue are lost.也来看三四二三.看好合数二三五.要想发财找三六.
Issue 162: I lost all my chickens this time.从皆欢知发大财.特码蓝波送大家.洞在清溪何处边.
No. 163: I lost all my rabbits this time.Mrs. Gold asked for the housekeeper.鸡随梗上打三回.Ronghua Fugui guess this period.
Issue 164: All the tiger bought this time.是在早晚一二天.特码出在鸡鼠身.走到前头无回路.
Issue 165: We lost all the money we bought this time.斤斤计较差二两.看好合数一三五.一语双关话特码.
Issue 166: I lost all my chickens this time.和尚何事出真言.羊角对牛山有虎.雪高三尺云上天.
No. 167: All the monkeys bought this time.桃园结义三兄弟.特码双数发红绿.耕田种地无财发.
Issue 168: I lost all my chickens this time.开头结尾定有局.六合有码今期开.偷码奇人一九成.
Issue 169: All the tiger bought this time.Farmers regard it as a family treasure.特码可能是鼠猪.First prize I am strong.
第170期: 今期买猪输尽光.Cut CAI Yang brothers to dispel doubts.鸡门三五有几高.It makes the most sense to wait.
Issue 171: We lost all our money this time.有钱不要去买鸡.十二生肖我老大.良策妙計計計絕.
No. 172: I lost all my pigs this time.Failure is the mother of success.猴头猴尾不要买.The singing is crisp and dancing.
Issue 173: I lost all my chickens this time.酷劲二诶看似简.蛇鸡鸡猪找特码.穴通猪洞起杀机.
Issue 174: I lost all my chickens this time.风云鸡虎三门开.Tiger, rooster, rabbit, ox, mouse.合双本期是放心.
第175期: 今期买鼠输尽光.Not to leave the love of Mo Yi.特码走跳二六九.Dynasty mouse Han stand on both sides.
Issue 176: I lost all my chickens this time.人莫知其子之恶.十二生肖中一个.瀑泉聲畔月明中.
Issue 177: I lost all my chickens this time.不打自招现好码.背井离乡不敢问.四七得五有玄机.
Issue 178: I lost all my chickens this time.今期生肖三门中.子丑寅卯选期一.生肖一出颜尽变.
Issue 179: I lost all my chickens this time.攀鸡附凤也无功.猪头猴尾不要买.有去无来是三七.
Issue 180: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.欢天喜地红红火.猴头猴尾不要买.树倒孙散难相聚.
第181期: 今期买鸡输尽光.I can show you my powers.Special look at the number of 0, 3, 4.The cold number is four six.
Issue 182: I lost all my pigs this time.水满金山钱满仓.特码是小单数开.合十定有好运攀.
Issue 183: I lost all my rabbits this time.黄云萧条白曰暗.特码生肖大泽土.十八罗汉镇邪魔.
No. 184: This period of six zodiac open, careful calculation is ox and horse, dragon and snake this period without hope, green and blue waves compete for the prize,
No. 185: I lost all my pigs this time.也来看三四二三.Watch the number 247.要想发财找三六.
Issue 186: I lost all my chickens this time.初生牛儿不怕虎.六畜特码四条腿.早春二月柳叶垂.
第187期: 今期买鸡输尽光.Spring water gushed into columns in the lake.The special code is a mystery.I have traveled far and wide.
No. 188: This time to buy rabbit lost.谁说东海无鸡王.猴羊虎鼠肖要杀.一句鬼话说前头.
No. 189: I lost all my pigs this time.主人不視它是寶.鸡前蛇后二中特.吉取五九跟三四.
第190期: 今期买猪输尽光.Two pairs are required within two periods.The chicken mouse spirit sends everyone.Then sang Yang Guan four overlapping songs.
第191期: 今期买羊输尽光.子午相冲不可信.看好特码你有缘.仰首一六问青天.
Issue 192: I lost all my chickens this time.Sharing weal and woe is a snake and pig.Lost one's heart and one's will.The special code only looks at the year of the rabbit.
第193期: 今期买鸡输尽光.劉玄德三顧草廬.A cow's cock, a pig's cock.春风十里扬州路.
第194期: 今期买鸡输尽光.申金长生在何方.The tiger swims in the pig's den.家中有宝一定发.
第195期: 今期买鸡输尽光.事到万难须放胆.生肖本命带红花.聰明才智我之上.
Issue 196: All the mice bought this issue are lost.逢人只说三分话.六合在前取投机.是虎是鸡细心想.
Issue 197: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.The south of the mountains and the north of the sea.牛鬼蛇神合数来.It's a dead end.
Issue 198: All the rats are lost in this issue.Wu Mu knot sad mood did not send.A snake, a mouse, a chicken, a miracle.The demon King is a trap.
Issue 199: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.从皆欢知发大财.Six in life one in five.洞在清溪何处边.
Issue 200: I lost all my chickens this time.实地入胍旺千年.鸡猪虎猴赌今期.西天取经它有份.
No. 201: All the mice bought this time.旭日照山亦照水.生肖本命带绿花.喜登九天七夕会.
Issue 202: All the cattle are lost this time.千年修炼千年妖.六部玄机码中码.生财有术石变金.
No. 203: We lost all our rabbits this time.颠鸾倒凤乐呵呵.鸡后兔前绕二圈.开局就受四六到.
Issue 204: I lost all my pigs this time.双拳终难敌四手.藏鸡卧虎显神威.杀鸡敬猴无成意.
Issue 205: I lost all my sheep this time.A little red among the green.虎头蛇尾难成事.There is no rain in the morning and in the evening.
No. 206: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.众望所归出一四.六畜生肖发大家.黄金不计皆消费.
第207期: 今期买虎输尽光.When it comes to the open code, the heart knows itself.看准小号全下注.There is no question of winning the jackpot.
Issue 208: Lost all the monkeys this time.机遇一来是四五.特码就是兔四八.万里云空鸡飞翔.
Issue 209: All the mice bought this time.送走猴年到鸡年.六畜到来乐万家.号双波爲红与绿.
Issue 210: I lost all my chickens this time.A gentleman works hard.十二生肖叫老大.The spirit monkey was born in three seven.
Issue 211: All bets are off this time.鸡猴今期不中用.鸡虎羊鸡有看头.彩民认真想四七.
Issue 212: I lost all my pigs this time.元帅太监四五数.六合生财益万家.风靡一时三六九.
Issue 213: We lost all our snakes this time.十二三多福佳术.鸡头军师巧计谋.风云突变青鸡现.
Issue 214: I lost all my rabbits this time.秀才透特话你知.今期看羊隻防猪.买了二门必中奖.
Issue 215: I lost all my pigs this time.铁树开花古来稀.生肖今期定单蓝.夫妻无隔宿之仇.
Issue 216: All the cattle in this issue are lost.挟天子而令诸侯.十二生肖是福哥.东方取肖辰寅卯.
No. 217: I lost all my pigs this time.Inside and outside, the special hidden.蛇归田里各东西.The big one knows the little one.
Issue 218: I lost all my chickens this time.定下其中选一个.鸡飞鸡跳勐虎来.黑松林三藏逢魔.
No. 219: I lost all my chickens this time.The mighty Lord of the beast altar calls himself king.猪八戒无理取闹.Ten bets will lose is to keep through.
No. 220: All the cattle in this period are lost.害得六尾也出来.特码落在红头家.水色连天二四五.
No. 221: I lost all my sheep this time.今期鸡鼠打出头.爲生爲死鸡争先.鸡蛇更获彩民心.
No. 222: I lost all my pigs this time.赶尽杀绝不放宽.鸡兔本期也不输.鸡头蛇尾中生肖.
Issue 223: This time to buy rabbit lost.颠鸾倒凤乐呵呵.生肖诗中有言明.开局就受四六到.
Issue 224: I lost all my chickens this time.合双本期开特码.猪虎生肖有码寻.好人贼索反开怀.
Issue 225: I lost all my rabbits this time.博得灵码二四来.虎落无势是穷期.老猪过街人人打.
Issue 226: This issue is completely lost.铁扇公主找魔王.特码可能是鼠猪.指东指南来开码.
第227期: 今期买鸡输尽光.西天路上寻特肖.A cow's cock, a pig's cock.琐窗风雨三二情.
Issue 228: I lost all my chickens this time.This period of zodiac three four doors.Son ugly Yin MAO let you see.It's fun to guess right.
Issue 229: I lost all my chickens this time.精打细算是牛鼠.生肖本命带红花.皆是英雄血染成.
Issue 230: All the cattle are lost in this issue.秀才透特话你知.今期看羊隻防猪.买了二门必中奖.
Issue 231: We lost all our sheep this season.东风西北四处平.特码就在火土号.移花入戶笑床空.
Issue 232: All the rats are lost in this issue.Really open chicken sheep.It is very difficult to prevent this time.The numbers are good and sure.
第233期: 今期买猴输尽光.是在早晚一二天.牛羊成群出三二.走到前头无回路.
Issue 234: I lost all my chickens this time.胳膊扭不过大腿.牛头鼠面双双合.运势流转到乙酉.
Issue 235: I lost all my chickens this time.曹公煮酒论英雄.生肖今期定单蓝.有加无减数八卦.
Issue 236: All cattle are lost in this issue.曾人透码观当时.虎威千里镇八方.禅机二八更相宜.
No. 237: I lost all my pigs this time.十大美女下江南.看见八钱散发打.是非只为多开口.
Issue 238: All the monkeys bought this time.合数买单买蓝波.Chicken does not serve at a feast.粒粒蓝珠三门开.
No. 239: I lost all my pigs this time.多行不义必自毙.看准好码下大注.农家六畜有特肖.
Issue 240: I lost all my pigs this time.中秋佳节单玄机.鸡鼠同事发大财.要红要绿自己挑.
Issue 241: I lost all my sheep this time.烟花三月下江南.六合今见大吉祥.一珠三七八月八.
Issue 242: I lost all my pigs this time.好事成双也是五.虎头蛇尾中生肖.羌笛秋聲濕塞煙.
第243期: 今期买鸡输尽光.Number of romantic characters this period.The zodiac smiles and comes rich.A king's heart is a stone.
Issue 244: All cattle are lost this time.打了鸡鸡气了牛.虎左鼠右看三七.四合五六必中奖.
No. 245: I lost all my pigs this time.A man in a bottomless pit.You can't get away with it.There are six animals in the house.
Issue 246: I lost all my chickens this time.倚香偎玉堪流连.鸡走前后牛跟来.皇帝身边大红人.
第247期: 今期买鸡输尽光.Buy a chicken and buy a monkey.Snake chicken five animal must be special.When I was born Schotenham, I saw blue.
Issue 248: I lost all my chickens this time.出蓝出红防尾门.牛鬼蛇神合数来.发财莫过一四七.
第249期: 今期买蛇输尽光.Mystery calendar in even numbers to find.The snake went and the rat ran.The gods in heaven have geometry.
Issue 250: All the mice sold this time.A good year makes a good atmosphere.A mouse's mouth is open.The hound was lost on the mountain.
第251期: 今期买鼠输尽光.十大美女下江南.Cattle and sheep are in the money this season.是非只为多开口.
Issue 252: All the mice bought this time.子午相冲不可信.十二生肖找老大.仰首一六问青天.
Issue 253: All the mice sold this time.風雨同舟見三六.特码是小单数开.万里碧空朵朵云.
Issue 254: I lost all my pigs this time.中秋佳节单玄机.鸡鼠同事发大财.要红要绿自己挑.
Issue 255: I lost all my pigs this time.做亏事心夜怕鬼.看好合数二三五.人贵有自知之明.
Issue 256: I lost all my chickens this time.一克容情造乾坤.特码连双出本期.农夫家里出千金.
No. 257: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.阿法额外八开家.特码就在火土号.望一九再次回头.
No. 258: I lost all my sheep this time.是羊是猪自己查.十二生肖数老大.成双成对又分开.
Issue 259: All the tiger bought this time.Small into the three people mediation.十二生肖本领强.A tree two holes silver six two.
Issue 260: I lost all my pigs this time.一线求生也挣扎.六合开彩乐呵呵.沾请带故朋友聚.
Issue 261: I lost all my horses this time.Five more for a profit.看准好码下大注.Up to eight periods of Bo six.
第262期: 今期买猴输尽光.半壁江同半壁紅.猴蛇猪肖猜四尾.一脉相承传万代.
Issue 263: I lost all my chickens this time.子午瑶草绿未衰.鸡飞鸡跳勐虎来.今年生肖重肖多.
Issue 264: I lost all my chickens this time.Not to leave the love of Mo Yi.Special and flat code one by one.Dynasty mouse Han stand on both sides.
Issue 265: Lost all the monkeys bought this time.上鼠二三好玄机.看八来四有二三.非此即彼吵不停.
No. 266: I lost all my pigs this time.有钱不要去买鸡.特攻细数发彩民.良策妙計計計絕.
Issue 267: We have lost all our cattle this season.期中夕二起相思.六畜再旺在家中.约法三章定律寅.
第268期: 今期买牛输尽光.满山遮绿是牛羊.忙碌三生隻爲伊.仙女下凡送功名.
Issue 269: I lost all my pigs this time.实地入胍旺千年.特头本期零三四.西天取经它有份.
Issue 270: All the mice bought in this issue.买码还需看牛羊.羊角对牛山有虎.神机妙算得特码.
Issue 271: I lost all my chickens this time.东船西航两头现.特码双数发红绿.横七竖八五门码.
Issue 272: I lost all my sheep this time.风吹草动见牛羊.鸡随梗上打三回.成雙成對是好碼.
Issue 273: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.半壁江同半壁紅.猴蛇猪肖猜四尾.一脉相承传万代.
第274期: 今期买猴输尽光.执迷不悟看六合.Teshau could be in the beast.春花秋月何时了.
第275期: 今期买羊输尽光.Five more for a profit.特码红绿首选红.Up to eight periods of Bo six.
第276期: 今期买鼠输尽光.开头结尾定有局.Look at the fixed spirit code to bet.偷码奇人一九成.
Issue 277: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.东船西航两头现.特码发财必是单.横七竖八五门码.
Issue 278: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.Four or seven in the last period.The mice made a mistake this time.The result was a singular surprise.
Issue 279: I lost all my pigs this time.烟花三月下江南.Count three in the zodiac.一珠三七八月八.
第280期: 今期买鸡输尽光.赶尽杀绝不放宽.The rat will be sent this time.鸡头蛇尾中生肖.
No. 281: I lost all my sheep this time.十七十八正少年.牛郎织女喜相会.牧童骑牛勒苦读.
No. 282: I lost all my pigs this time.豆蔻梢头二月初.生肖今期旺金木.白姐透特都不要.
Issue 283: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.一生寒霜苦命人.鸡鼠虎蛇中本期.十六最绿势必赢.
Issue 284: I lost all my chickens this time.Lock Red Bead can beat you.羊蛇今期来争特.Hundreds of ways to find the entrance.
No. 285: I lost all my chickens this time.一点儿用处没有.猴头虎尾其中取.吉日升腾果遂期.
Issue 286: All the cattle in this issue are lost.鸡猪照样不用防.生肖之中我算大.特码合想你会猜.
No. 287: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.Peach blossom as day as water.The chicken mouse spirit sends everyone.Blackmail the son of heaven to make the princes.
Issue 288: All cattle are lost in this issue.君子之交淡如水.特码发财必是单.不知所云是何数.
第289期: 今期买鼠输尽光.Three six must be a goat.If you win, you have to buy 36.The result is a fight between the chicken and the tiger.
Issue 290: I lost all my sheep in this issue.汉前将军多说法.特码二九合数双.只等四七迅速来.
Issue 291: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.North, south, east, west miles.看好合数一三五.I don't know when I'm blessed.
第292期: 今期买羊输尽光.Bite chicken sea four one sighting.鸡鼠同事发大财.A good mouse never turns back.
No. 293: All the cattle in this period are lost.蜿蜓曲折毒气涌.鸡后兔前绕二圈.是双又逢旺木春.
Issue 294: I lost all my chickens this time.扬威抖擞千山动.特有新改注意柒.前后都有它的影.
Issue 295: All the tiger bought this time.華清高樹出離宮.六畜再旺在家中.赢钱料当家作主.
Issue 296: I lost all my pigs this time.满山遮绿是牛羊.忙碌三生隻爲伊.仙女下凡送功名.
Issue 297: I lost all my chickens this time.Make a name for yourself across the ocean.牛郎织女有玄机.You know all about it.
Issue 298: All the mice bought in this issue are lost.Number of romantic characters this period.看好二九明中取.A king's heart is a stone.
Issue 299: I lost all my chickens this time.同生同死是蛇猪.一特一肖定不变.特码玄机诗中猜.
No. 300: All the tiger bought this time.不如一击传他方.出三人四迎二一.山海风波满天飞.
No. 301: I lost all my sheep this time.中秋佳节单玄机.羊鸡虎鸡赌今期.要红要绿自己挑.
No. 302: All the snakes we bought this time.山盟海誓不变心.六畜之中他最勤.卡死二姐 好位.
Issue 303: I lost all my chickens in this issue.选好特码快下手.蛇猪虎肖有参考.孫行者智降妖怪.
No. 304: I lost all my chickens this time.關雲長挂印封金.鼠上坐着食蛇客.好运四六今复开.
第305期: 今期买猪输尽光.Don't mind if you're both late.羊头一二相连根.There are three or four eggs in the pit.
No. 306: I lost all my chickens this time.荷花兰李找竹花.看好二九明中取.百万论坛有玄機.
No. 307: All cattle sold this time.静观大局有生机.The cow and mouse also come to the mystery.要红要蓝自己挑.
Issue 308: I lost all my rabbits this time.虽然很四人话题.出三人四迎二一.宝鼠一匹值千金.
第309期: 今期买鼠输尽光.The sunrise shines in the east.兔子飞奔报喜来.All under the cross.
Issue 310: This issue of rabbit lost.叫声大圣不用恼.生肖今期土字头.可为彩君发又发.
Issue 311: I lost all my chickens this time.打了鸡鸡气了牛.虎左鼠右看三七.四合五六必中奖.
Issue 312: Lost all the monkeys in this issue.博得灵码二四来.虎落无势是穷期.老猪过街人人打.
Issue 313: All cattle are lost in this issue.申金长生在何方.特码蓝波送大家.家中有宝一定发.
Issue 314: We lost all our rabbits this time.匿玉玺孫堅背約.看好四数连三特.请彩民放心下注.
Issue 315: All the rats in this issue are lost.静观大局有生机.蛇里有虎得玄机.要红要蓝自己挑.
Issue 316: I lost all my chickens this time.An army of thousands of rats can't resist.The chicken fights for the tiger fights for the name.Ordinary people can be a proportion.
Issue No. 317: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.却说也是老迈人.特码走跳二六九.花开花落又一村.
Issue 318: I lost all my chickens this time.鸡鸡一生伴爲友.今期猪虎有玄机.中特五门更合想.
Issue 319: I lost all my rabbits this time.十赌九输是羊透.鸡猪羊鼠有心水.看准生肖定万达.
Issue 320: I lost all my chickens this time.码开单数人称好.特出双数六合中.仰看牵牛思渡河.
No. 321: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.鼠羊虎鸡本相克.何来三七十十一.特码玄机猜绿蓝.
No. 322: All the cattle in this period are lost.曾人透码观当时.虎威千里镇八方.禅机二八更相宜.
Issue 323: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.买虎买鸡不理想.鼠猴羊虎肯定杀.十指连心转四绿.
Issue 324: I lost all my chickens this time.十九二十助你发.蛇猪牛肖看到准.必中不服要比过.
Issue 325: We lost all our money this time.All sorts of things can be added or subtracted.A monkey's left hand and a snake's right hand.Delete three and remove five immediately.
No. 326: This time to buy rabbit lost.十二三多福佳术.特码生肖大泽土.风云突变青鸡现.
第327期: 今期买羊输尽光.Determination is the key to success or failure.Six animals have Teshaw to guess.The iron tree sprouts and opens golden flowers.
Issue 328: I lost all my pigs this time.冷门号码是三六.羊鼠猪虎猴有特.相扶持逢凶化吉.
Issue 329: All the mice bought this issue are lost.Mountain man sea snake five elements.The moon rabbit comes out alone.I've tasted all sorts of things.
Issue 330: I lost all my pigs this time.桃花太监找妇人.特码生肖它最大.護法設莊留大聖.
No. 331: I lost all my pigs this time.桃花太监找妇人.特码开了开小码.護法設莊留大聖.
No. 332: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.One of them is a chicken mouse.Special code red number clear.That's a good piece of material.
第333期: 今期买羊输尽光.Huang Fengling Tang monk in trouble.The special code could be a cow's head.Golden panel beautiful woman with talent.
Issue 334: I lost all my chickens this time.The mind of the mouse and the mind of the ape.The chickens call themselves at dawn.Royal children are precious.
Issue 335: All the money is lost.有三有四有特码.鸡守大门整日闲.一片天机定虎鸡.
第336期: 今期买虎输尽光.谁说东海无鸡王.鸡猪虎猴赌今期.一句鬼话说前头.
Issue 337: All the tiger bought this time.该买大来不买小.六合出码指财路.子午相冲三合出.
Issue 338: I lost all my pigs this time.不到长城心不死.鸡急跳墙稳观特.八面玲珑小花猫.
第339期: 今期买鸡输尽光.A gentleman works hard.Special code red number clear.The spirit monkey was born in three seven.
Issue 340: I lost all my sheep in this issue.时来运转必中金.羊头一二相连根.情人眼里出西施.
Issue 341: I lost all my chickens this time.十九二十助你发.六畜中特应不难.必中不服要比过.
Issue 342: We have lost all our cattle this season.是王是將不重要.鸡鼠虎蛇中本期.名存实亡唔四死.
No. 343: I lost all my chickens this time.一日千里四蹄踩.六合出在百姓家.拒人于千里之外.
Issue 344: I lost all my sheep this time.相逢鼠上纷桃雨.蛇猪虎肖有参考.乌云敞开见太阳.
Issue 345: I lost all my chickens this time.關雲長挂印封金.鼠上坐着食蛇客.好运四六今复开.
No. 346: All the cattle in this period are lost.天大地大我最大.十二生肖叫老大.有福之人中特码.
Issue 347: All the mice bought this time.鸡虎今期不中奖.鸡鸡羊兔有一奖.慎防调虎离山计.
Issue 348: I lost all my rabbits this time.有三有四有特码.财神本期关二六.一片天机定虎鸡.
Issue 349: I lost all my sheep in this issue.North, south, east, west miles.Snakes hibernate and chickens fly.I don't know when I'm blessed.
Issue 350: I lost all my chickens this time.老大老二定在家.Six words out of two companions.飛禽走獸虎傷人.
第351期: 今期买猴输尽光.戰長江孫氏報仇.The hooves of mice leaped about.中门搅得姐妹双.
Issue 352: We have lost all our cattle this season.Spring grass and green all things Sue.看见八钱散发打.A good heart goes out of its way.
No. 353: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.寒林空见日斜时.猪虎生肖有码寻.斜月三更门关开.
第354期: 今期买鸡输尽光.Lottery players hit the jackpot last time.This time, the monkey will help.Special code mystery to see 36.
Issue 355: I lost all my chickens this time.It's three to six.Who's last in the zodiac.One gold, one earth, one fire.
Issue 356: We lost all our rabbits this time.石歪树弯九三形.猪偷奇案况钟察.云长送嫂是君子.
Issue 357: We lost all the money we bought this time.护送唐僧成正果.生肖今期土字头.千载难逢好机会.
Issue 358: All the cattle in this issue are lost.山崩地裂出圣人.特肖就在前两期.雙山嶺伯欽留僧.
Issue 359: I lost all my chickens this time.Lotus from ancient times out of the mud.Six and six yards, special prize.Out code order takes two one.
Issue 360: I lost all my money buying snakes this time.一线求生也挣扎.Cowherd Qixi Magpie Bridge meeting.沾请带故朋友聚.
Issue 361: Lost all the monkeys bought this time.必有三六从中走.看中特码落大注.将军威权千里雄.
Issue 362: I lost all my sheep this time.Six play out and start.特码出在尾绿肖.There is something about the zodiac.
第363期: 今期买牛输尽光.This information is the earliest information.Forty-nine minus four points.今期兔羊必出特.
Issue 364: I lost all my pigs this time.Spring and autumn zodiac special.Snake wine is not thirty-nine.Alum west asked fishing boat.
Issue 365: All the mice bought in this issue are lost.When it comes to the open code, the heart knows itself.A prosperous family is a prosperous family.There is no question of winning the jackpot.



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